I've been doing some design studies for a car. It became sort of combination of the 50s and 70s...

The aim is to make a short animation which is inspired by a scene form your favorite movie, but you are encouraged to come up with new narrative and visual twists, so the movie is only an excuse to experiment with ideas in motion.
Next to that, we will transform one of your favorite architect’s most beloved creations by adapting it to the visual style of your movie. The end result should be an original animated sequence with as one of your main characters your altered piece of architecture.
In the process you will learn to draw storyboards, architectonic backgrounds, characters with attitude and how to compose all these elements in an animated form.
Ah, great combo of styles, i like the little strokes you put on the body of the truck to highlight it, work really good! I would only check the proprtion of the character and the truck, I get the impression that is a bit too "Bob de bouwer', and I assume you want it to be more 'red neck', more white trash, ust play a little with size, bigger tyres? and add some dirt and stickers on the truck ;)